Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield
I don't doubt that they want to do that. But is a story about Biden's laptop misbehavior? The Post puts out all kinds of salacious and tawdry stuff everyday and Twitter allows it. But a story about a laptop is considered beyond the pale? Into what bucket of misbehavior did that fall?
That was more bowing to pressure from people who were scared of Trump getting re-elected. And that is indeed consensus crafting. It's precluding a wider audience from hearing a story that might influence how they vote.
Let's use the way-back machine to go all the way back to the Twitter thread I shared:
All my left-wing woke friends are CONVINCED that the social media platforms uphold the white supremacist misogynistic patriarchy, and they have plenty of screenshots and evidence ...
... of times when the platform has made enforcement decisions unfairly against innocuous things they've said, and let far more egregious sexist/racist violations by the other side pass.
Woke friends: it's true, right? You have LOTS of examples.
All my alt/center-right/libertarian friends are CONVINCED the social media platforms uphold the woke BLM/Marxist/LGBTQ agenda and they ALSO have plenty of screenshots and evidence of times when...
... the platforms have made enforcement decisions unfair against them for innocuous things they've said merely questioning (in good faith) the woke orthodoxy, and let far more egregious violations by the other side stand.
Right-wingers and libertarians: it's true, right? You can remember PLENTY of examples.
Neither side is lying.
Mostly, it's really because enforcement is hard, and there are LOTS of errors. There's a separate emerging problem (more FB than Twitter) where AI models make inhumane/dystopian judgments that can't be appealed, but that's a separate issue.
Both sides think the platform is institutionally biased against them.
"All the top executives and board members are men."
"Silicon Valley employees are overwhelming woke and left-wing."
I want you to pause for a minute and think about your political alignment and whether you're on the left or right of this issue, because you probably think one of those things.
And the old GenX tech titans are right there with you - vaguely left-wing but also center-right - seeing their version of "censorship" - and drawing all the wrong conclusions from it about what's happening with the management of social platforms.
Hope it makes you feel good to be right there with the old GenX tech titans. But thinking there is someone at Twitter or Facebook who is "crafting consensus" is about as rational as worrying that the UN is sending black helicopters to make your school board teach CRT to kindergarteners.
I think Twitter ran perfectly when it still had the political crazies on board. Trump was a dumpster fire. His tweets were a comedic gift that kept on giving. "Covfefe." It was just fantastic. He'd spawn a litany of hysterical reactions, against and in favor of him, and often very funny memes. Sure, the place is much more measured and sensible and mature. But it was a lot more fun when we had a nut with millions of followers ranting about Barney Frank's nipples. You have to admit that.
Uh, tbh I don't see much difference, not in how I use Twitter.