Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Neither you nor Ty has explained how banning the Hunter Biden story was light moderation, or merely following a corporate policy. ...
Ty is correct, this is not management crafting consensus. This is a group of people of a certain ideology crafting consensus.
I responded to you, but you are too thick to get it. Here we go again:
All my left-wing woke friends are CONVINCED that the social media platforms uphold the white supremacist misogynistic patriarchy, and they have plenty of screenshots and evidence ...
... of times when the platform has made enforcement decisions unfairly against innocuous things they've said, and let far more egregious sexist/racist violations by the other side pass.
Woke friends: it's true, right? You have LOTS of examples.
All my alt/center-right/libertarian friends are CONVINCED the social media platforms uphold the woke BLM/Marxist/LGBTQ agenda and they ALSO have plenty of screenshots and evidence of times when...
... the platforms have made enforcement decisions unfair against them for innocuous things they've said merely questioning (in good faith) the woke orthodoxy, and let far more egregious violations by the other side stand.
Right-wingers and libertarians: it's true, right? You can remember PLENTY of examples.
Neither side is lying.
Mostly, it's really because enforcement is hard, and there are LOTS of errors.
What you're saying is like, A had COVID, A took antimalarial drugs, A got better, therefore antimalarial drugs cure COVID. Correlation is not causation. Or, visually:
Maybe that [Hunter Biden] decision was a mistake. As I've said multiple times, there will be mistakes, for multiple reasons that have nothing to do with ideology. Everyone political views -- which includes you, much as you hate to admit it -- gets to feel aggrieved about those mistakes and takes them as evidence of bias against them, just as you have here. The ideas that Twitter is run by ideologues, or that they are trying to "craft consensus", are just absolutely wrong. Twitter wishes it could stop getting derailed by politics and focus on making more money.
I'm not sure why you think a decision to limit tweets about propaganda is a mistake, but I'm trying to avoid having that conversation about the Hunter Biden thing because, in the context of the conversation we've been having, what I said above is the answer.