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Old 04-27-2022, 07:10 PM   #920
sebastian_dangerfield's Avatar
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Re: Song of the Day

Originally Posted by Tyrone Slothrop View Post
Not to my half of the conversation.

So fucking what? Lots of people earn $50K a month to do lots of things, and it isn't newsworthy. The fact that he's Joe Biden's son doesn't make it newsworthy either.

So fucking what? Maybe Hunter Biden has been lying about his assets to get loans, but that wouldn't be not newsworthy either.

Clinton or Obama kids no, because they were private citizens, and also minors. For the Trump kids, depends on which ones, because some of them became involved in the government and Trump's business in a way that makes what they do newsworthy, depending on what the allegations are.

There is no "objective definition of newsworthy" on this or any other planet. We are having a conversation about what the term means, which is why my opinion is material. You say that the word means nothing -- anything people want to hear is, ipso facto, newsworthy. That is not how any journalist sees their job, although the free market keeps pushing them that way. I wasn't the first person to put out that by your definition, porn is newsworthy, which no one thinks. It's not "newsworthy" because it's not "worth" -- in the sense of having intrinsic value -- being in the "news" -- which is not everything that happens in the world, but a subset of the things that we all think people should know about.

The whole origin of this story should make any sane person think the whole thing is bogus. After other Trump/Giuliani efforts to smear Joe Biden by fabricating dirt on his son, a laptop purportedly abandoned by Hunter Biden in a repair shop for a long time falls into Rudy Giuliani's hands and then is given to the New York Post, which runs credulous stories about what's on it. Really? Really? Do you remember what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine? Under these circumstances, no one should think for a second that anything found on that computer is authentic, although surely much of it is.

If someone lies to you, do you trust them the next time?
Just concede the point. This is the most convoluted Rube Goldberg explanation you’ve ever assembled to support a really dumb position.

But you’ll go down swinging. I’ll give you that. You’ll invent a thousand nonsense standards for “newsworthy” and claim the story is bogus (despite the Times and Post now admitting it isn’t) before you’ll concede the obvious that any sane person would’ve 10 posts ago.

It must be exhausting having never been wrong.
All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
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