Originally Posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Verify I am still alive. Double check, be sure.
See if my wife will get me Coffee. Espresso, really, but whatever rocks your boat.
Check email.
If possible, more Coffee. Also, some warm orange juice.
Check on the clan members.
Check sheets and night clothes for excretions of blood; check body for undesirable blood or pus.
Take care of necessaries.
Consider whether medications needed for any chemo side effects.
Get short massage for muscles.
Shower, dress.
Get downstairs. Eat hot food, wash down with coffee.
Check email again.
More coffee.
Water plants.
Nuke some yoghurt and bring with me as I head to office (50 feet from kitchen)
Log in to first zoom. More coffee.
Maybe posting morning rituals wasn't the best idea?
Alarm goes off. Hit the snooze button once.
Alarm goes off again. Look at my phone in bed -- news, weather, yesterday's Spelling Bee words that I missed.
Drain the lizard.
Brush my teeth.
Put on dog walking sweatshirt and shorts.
Make sure my daughter is awake.
Walk the dog.
Return home, depositing found golfballs in the container by the door.
Feed dog.
Wash hands.
Take daughter to school. Squabble over whose music we listen to on the way.
Dial into 8:45 standup call at work.
Drive to Java Junction. Finish call in parking lot.
Get large coffee and maybe a toasted everything bagel with light butter (Thursday or Friday).
Sit on the patio messing with my phone, writing in a journal, or reading a book for 15-20 minutes.
Drive home.