Originally Posted by Tyrone Slothrop
Alarm goes off. Hit the snooze button once.
Alarm goes off again. Look at my phone in bed -- news, weather, yesterday's Spelling Bee words that I missed.
Drain the lizard.
Brush my teeth.
Put on dog walking sweatshirt and shorts.
Make sure my daughter is awake.
Walk the dog.
Return home, depositing found golfballs in the container by the door.
Feed dog.
Wash hands.
Take daughter to school. Squabble over whose music we listen to on the way.
Dial into 8:45 standup call at work.
Drive to Java Junction. Finish call in parking lot.
Get large coffee and maybe a toasted everything bagel with light butter (Thursday or Friday).
Sit on the patio messing with my phone, writing in a journal, or reading a book for 15-20 minutes.
Drive home.
Wake up
Get dressed
Let puppy* out to pee
Feed puppy
Take puppy on "poop" walk
Put puppy in crate
Bring wife coffee
Make green tea
Drink it
Make another
Drink it while driving to work
Look at email
Poop on run
Consider shaving-decide not to
*For next 4 weeks puppy is at obedience school and the puppy efforts should be very streamlined after that.