Originally Posted by Adder
If it's Ginni Thomas vs. the field, I'm taking Ginni Thomas. But who knows?
If we're placing random bets, I'd bet an actual justice did it. Alito himself or Clarence Thomas would be my first bets. If it's on the liberal side, Sotomayor is clearly pissed and Breyer has nothing left to work about and has made clear he always wanted an apolitical court, which we aren't going to see for a long, long time.
Justices have a life time appointment and no consequences, and really most of them have no fucks to give. You can hear the arrogance and self aggrandizement in opinions (or draft opinions, more precisely) like this one. Rules don't apply to them.
Most of the clerks are careerists looking to find the right asses to kiss, I think it unlikely any of them do this. If it's not a Justice, my second bet (can I do a box here?) would be clerical staff nearing retirement. I'll bet Alito's secretary absolutely hates him.