Re: Implanting Bill Gates's Micro-chips In Brains For Over 20 Years!
Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield
Even Bret Stephens at NYTimes is saying this was a radical decision.
Yeah, you're right. I figured sane people would stay sane. There was a time when moderate Republicans saw to it that things like Roe - imperfect but useful compromises that kept issues where people held irreconcilable differences from becoming tails that wagged all of our politics and policy - stayed in place.
Even people who didn't personally condone abortion realized Roe kept the peace.
So yeah, I'm a fuckhead for thinking the old men in the smoky rooms who gave us people like Souter and O'Connor and the Rs on the Court who were responsible for Roe still held sway.
But I'm not giving up on thinking that some crowd of elites, bipartisan ideally, will emerge in DC and take the wheel. I'm not giving up that hope because Most People Want Compromise. Minority rule of this sort is simply unsustainable. Adults have to prevail.
Or we're just fucked.
I love the sunrise over Marblehead.

A wee dram a day!