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Old 05-09-2022, 09:36 AM   #1031
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Re: Implanting Bill Gates's Micro-chips In Brains For Over 20 Years!

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
I listened to a very funny podcast about something else in which Nick Gillespie (editor of Reason) made fun of Comstock for a good twenty minutes. Obviously, if you want to hear someone shred Comstock, and who'd be familiar with his ignominious place in history, Gillespie is the sort who'd do so with relish. I wish I could find it.

The commentary made short, Comstock was considered such a buffoon that his name became an insult. It became a synonym for provincial, parochial, unenlightened, priggish, and illiterate. Comstock's tenure as Postmaster General was considered by almost everyone in politics at the time and thereafter as a first order embarrassment.

Few national figures are considered less qualified, more inept, or as deranged. Even Spiro Agnew was considered more intelligent.

That now, a century later, Comstock's moralizing and busybody officiousness has raised its head again is mind blowing. It's not at all hyperbole to call the man a troglodyte (though probably unfair to troglodytes). He believed himself entitled not to judge, but to directly, and I mean very directly, physically police every bedroom.

It's incredibly sad, but also shocking, to think we've a massive rotten cultural cesspool in this country, of inbred degenerates (yes, they are) who insist they have the right to tell others who they can and cannot fuck. It's like mold or worms, under a rock for a century. All this time, we'd assumed they'd been drug along, that the wake of progress and the demonstration of the benefits of tolerance positively impacted them at least incrementally over the years. But no. They're still the temperance league of old. Dumb as dirt, with decades of precluded scolding to unleash on we heathens and libertines.

They'd do well to consider what happened the last time a debased culture tried to "rise up" against the Yankees. The Comstocks may run amuck in the Bible Belt. But we folks in the purple country won't be having any of their kind. Any Comstocks peddling their tripe in the Northeast Coast cities will quickly find themselves picking their teeth up off the floor.

I don't see any good in picketing Churches. The Catholics, most of whom don't follow the Church on matters reproductive, aren't the villains here. And they shouldn't be made enemies. But I do advocate something far more violent to be done to any "moral police" trying to push Comstock like policies in our backyards. I think, and I say this without hesitation, a man who seeks to inject himself into someone else's bedroom via legislation should be treated like a man literally seeking to enter one's bedroom with consent. Beat the living shit out of the son of a bitch. I say this with deadly seriousness. These people have no place in enlightened locales.
Comstock is, however, a hero in certain circles on the right. It began with places like Hillsdale College and the Claremont Institution. But you'll find the folks in charge at the Federalist Society are part of the rehabilitation project, and that the circles that now control the court and Congress are all Comstock fans. It's part of the American History being busily rewritten.
A wee dram a day!
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