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Old 05-09-2022, 11:17 AM   #1033
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Re: Implanting Bill Gates's Micro-chips In Brains For Over 20 Years!

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
Nixon could be rehabbed because, while a criminal, certain of his non-criminal policies (opening up relations with China) were smart. Clinton is seen as a sleazy guy due to proximity to Epstein, but he was a fantastic President. Even fucking Trump had some good policies (expending standard deduction helped lower middle class).

WTF could be rehabbed about Comstock? He was objectively a properly diagnosed imbecile whose policies were hated by almost everyone. The man burned books and opposed suffrage. Opposed. Suffrage.

This was the book Gillespie was talking about in the podcast I referenced earlier:

It is disturbing to think anyone would even attempt to rehab this miscreant.
[momentarily channeling Hillsdale College "historians"]

Comstock opposed the Progressives, who were eugenicists who inspired Hitler and sought to use birth control to limit the births of blacks, Catholics and other disfavored people, ultimately giving rise to the deeply evil folks like Margaret Sanger. He was part of a moral movement that maintained our Judeo-Christian history as being at the core of our society.

[/thankfully stop channeling Hillsdale]

You will find cites and discussion in the Alito draft opinion that reflect this concept of American history. Thomas is 100% on board with it and has inserted Hillsdale concepts into several of his opinions and dissents.

Way back when I was in college, my senior history thesis was on attitudes toward birth control and prostitution in the American Social Hygiene Society, one of the organizations that was bound up in all this stuff. I try to keep up on it, but it has become increasingly relevant over the last few years.

That podcast you pointed out talks about describes him as largely forgotten, but you may want to see what they are teaching at Liberty University and what they are trying to legitimize in the Fed Soc. He really is one of the "intellectual" rights' biggest heros. Leonard Leo probably gets off thinking about him. The podcast does have some interesting stuff about Comstock prosecuting and convicting Margaret Sanger's husband - I wasn't familiar with that, but, remember, Margaret Sanger is the greatest Boogey-Woman these people have, they loathe her very very deeply, and that alone would make him a hero to them. I think you'll also find him taught about in a lot of gender studies/history of women classes and in classes on the history of medicine. But those classes will be more the view of him you'd expect, as a clown and know-nothing. You'll find demonizing people like Comstock is part of what the attack on CRT is about - editing out the part of history classes that look at MLK or Margaret Sanger as forces for good.
A wee dram a day!

Last edited by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy; 05-09-2022 at 11:47 AM..
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