Originally Posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
Put me on Team Hank. Pasta is life.
One thing I don't understand is why more people don't make their own pasta. If you haven't done it, watch a few episodes of pasta grannies and get out your eggs, water, and flour, because homemade pasta is much better than the dried stuff, which can be pretty good itself. And it's really easy.
I will say, though, pasta gets better the farther north you go in Italy. In the south, the fish is the main show, the pasta a (very good) side event. But one taste of pasta with walnut sauce in Northern Italy and every other dish plays second fiddle.
Team veggies and carbs here. I went meat free in December of 2020 and it was the best move ever. For me, bowing down to my craving for carbs -- as long as I am burning them off -- was like coming out of the closet. Once I went vegetarian, a lot of other health issues disappeared.