Originally Posted by Hank Chinaski
I found a law firm that will get me it for $10k. So if my mom was an Italian citizen I’d just gave to go to the consulate. But I will need to file in an Italian court. The law still focuses on grandfather- but this firm has convinced courts this is sexist discrimination.
Icky it does not seem to matter you will have to jump another generation than me. When I speak to the firm I’ll ask. Once you get it your wife merely needs to go to the consulate. Adult kids need to go through court but the firm gives a discount for multi client matters like that.
Any of you all come to Calabria look me up!
Isn’t the difficult part locating/gathering the necessary documents? I’d have to go to Pennsylvania to find out if/when my great grandfather was naturalized, and also obtain all birth certificates for the entire line.