Originally Posted by Adder
His emails seem pretty incriminating.
Eastman is deranged.
Say what you will of this Ramaswamy guy, he makes a good point here. Historically, "Trump Derangement Syndrome" was an insult thrown at the Left. We've neglected examination of its manifestations on the Right, which are, apparently, far more significant.
Why, I asked him in today’s episode of Honestly, would voters would go for New Coke when they can have the original? He said this: “Do you want a two-liter bottle that’s been in the fridge and doesn’t have the same fizz that it did when you first popped the cork?” He added: “I’ve got fresh legs. I’m 37. I’m going further than Trump did. And I think the part that’s most persuasive is the truth: thirty percent of this country becomes psychiatrically ill, maybe deranged, when Trump is in office.”
King Midas in reverse... Slide into his immediate orbit and you lose your mind. And your license. And perhaps your freedom.