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Old 05-17-2024, 07:23 PM   #2518
Hank Chinaski
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Re: Implanting Bill Gates's Micro-chips In Brains For Over 20 Years!

Originally Posted by sebastian_dangerfield View Post
I think like most everything else, this stuff impacts 25% of people on campus. The media loves conflict, so they report on these stories as if the entire campus is comprised of warring factions.

I've never been at a protest of any kind in my life. I wouldn't know if they occurred or didn't, and I think that's pretty healthy.

Protests for civil rights were serious fucking things. Protesting against Vietnam was deadly serious. These were both instances in which Americans involved in the protests were at direct risk. They were fighting for their lives in many regards.

Protests like those on the news are performative. They have a religious feel to them, that smell of people needing to belong to something and having an axe to grind. That stink of upper middle-class immaturity, of those coddled by feckless academia and helicopter parents.

I'd bet a bottle of the best scotch Hank ever had that life has gone on just fine for the uninvolved on these campuses. If it's privilege to think most modern protestors frivolous, I wave that flag wide and high.

Most of us have better things to do, and most of us understand the futility of protesting wildly complex things that don't directly involve us 5000 miles away. If one needs to feel part of a movement, or important, to feel like life has meaning, I feel bad for you. You're a seeker in exactly the wrong place.
In response to Sebby, they cancelled graduation so 100% of students were impacted.

My son just graduated law school in Detroit. We have a huge Arabic population and the school’s student body reflects that. Was wondering if there would be any walkout, but no.

In response to Ty, not looking for an argument, but since they cancelled graduation what did she decline to speak at?
I will not suffer a fool- but I do seem to read a lot of their posts

Last edited by Hank Chinaski; 05-17-2024 at 09:44 PM..
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