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Old 01-14-2004, 03:58 PM   #48
notcasesensitive's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
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Number Portability

Originally posted by mmm3587
So, as we speak, I am porting my number from provider A to provider B after provider A's phone stopped working and provider B gave me a nice flip camera phone with caller id on the cover for free, with a one year contract and a $35 activation fee.

I will keep you updated on the process, since I'm sure you're all waiting by the computer to see how it goes. Provider B is already sending me e-mail tellin me about my new phone number (which is the number being ported) but calls still ring through to provider A's phone.
I moved from AT&T to Sprint a couple of weeks ago. It took a total of 6 days and one (half hour) call to Sprint to get the transfer completed. Might have been quicker if I had placed the call earlier, but I waited to see if it would happen as promised. After phone call transfer occurred on same day.

ETA: w/r/t SEC's post, I bought the phone at Best Buy and switched services there. Seemed to work out fine other thant hte above-referenced need for a phone call to Sprint. They offer a bunch of rebates on phones (in addition to Sprint's) there too. Got a nice Samsung flip camera phone for free.
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