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Old 01-14-2004, 04:42 PM   #52
Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
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Join Date: Mar 2003
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Number Portability

Originally posted by Alex_de_Large
That's all conjecture, though the recent news stories make it sound more and more probable. That said, I would guess that the regulatory approval process will take about a year to iron out (Cingular and ATTWS own competing licenses in many markets, and many will have to be divested). Agreed that the v600 will not be free, as the best prive seen on the v400 is about $130 with a 2 year K. It would be a good deal, but the v400 lacks bluetooth, which I have become WAY too accustomed to to live without (not to mention all of the bluetooth toys that would suddenly become expensive paperweights).
Agreed that it will take some time before the systems are merged. And regardless of any divestitures, they probably will keep the two companies separate for awhile, for customer purposes. What a bigger mess, too, since ATTWS already has two companies, one for TDMA and one for GSM. Entirely separate departments.

As for divestitures, has the FCC confronted this? Surely there are rules about the amount of spectrum. I assume it's not strictly licenses, but a certain percentage of spectrum or something. So perhaps they could spin off a half-license or something.
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