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Old 02-06-2004, 04:57 PM   #58
Atticus Grinch
Hello, Dum-Dum.
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 10,117
Scans on a wireless handheld

GP wants to receive e-mail on wireless device. So far, no problem --- Blackberry, right? But then he complains that more and more clients are sending him e-mails in which the important message content is in an attachment. I say, no problem, there are ways to open and even edit Word files on certain handhelds, especially Palm ones. Then he says, okay, but what about those PDF thingies. I say, you ain't got no problem, Jules. I'm on the motherfucker. There is handheld software to open text-based PDF files. He says, no, I'm talking about those faxes we can have scanned and sent to our enterprise e-mail. I say, you mean to tell me you want to be able to receive and read massive image files scanned from our office and e-mailed to your handheld? Umm, I'll get back to you.

It seems to me from a bandwidth perspective, there's no way you could cram entire 40-page image files over cell wireless to a handheld, and then be able to read it on a tiny handheld screen. Mebbe if he had a handheld with Wi-Fi capability, but you'd need to get to a wireless access point for that.

What says the panel? Impossible? Commonplace? Assume there is no massive IT infrastructure where I am who could tell this man he's insane.
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