Originally posted by Sidd Finch
Tell me what I missed in your post. Tell me the part where you actually show some respect for his military service, or for any Dem's.
Oh, maybe "Back then, there was no clear and easy answer to the question of, do you serve patriotism by blindly and mindlessly following orders from a government that was roundly suspected as being venal and corrupt and willing to sacrifice lives, american and otherwise, for monetary gain, or by fighting for peacable values? (We didn't know then what we know now about VN, Cambodia, etc.) To call an antiwar protestor, or even a soldier-turned-antiwar-activist, "unpatriotic" is to so oversimplify the whole mess as to make it meaningless. So, to me, none of Kerry's stands, changing as they seemed to do, impugn his honor, or his character, or his suitability to lead."
Your strawman characterization of Kerry's position, above, shows that the line I "extracted" is a perfect indication of your complete refusal to acknowledge the man's service.
"Acknowledge"? How the hell can I not acknowledge what he says with his every breath? You wilfully miss the point, mostly because it serves your hysterical "don't impugn my patriotism!" theme - HE put it out there, and so he can't expect it not to be dissected.
And it's not faux indignation (really, Bilmore -- you of all people should avoid trying to use French words, you just fuck it up). I would be equally disgusted if any Dem were to attack a Repub's service in the same way.
And yet, your next post attacks Bush's service in the Guard. Jesus, you are being dense today.