Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
Who cares about Kerry? Why is it only "minority groups" insisting he apologize?
As newly appointed chairman of the organization "White Chicks Who Don't Tolerate Bullshit," I demand that Pete apologize for making such a stupid-ass remark.
BR(though, as I recall, CO has a very, very strong split between the Libertarian (pioneer "we don't give a shit who you are or what you do so long as you pull your weight" types) and Jesus-Freak (Focus on the Family, Promise Keepers, umpteen embarrasing CU Boulder football coaches) wings of the Republican party, and the Coors family is usually on the Jesus-Freak side of the divide, so to the extent this weakens them I am perfectly happy to see Pete go hang)C
I must have missed something. I thought some flunky of Coors jokingly said, after the NYT posted Coors' pic in place of the KKK guy, that "at least they didn't say he was Kerry!" Like, funny political shit aimed at the NYT. Why the uproar?