Originally posted by Atticus Grinch
Any other life lessons we should be taking from the ol' CCCP?
I just need clarity about which aspects of life under an oppressive regime are universally contemptible, and which of them befuddle you with these moral ambiguities.
Now one of our favorite free-marketers is admiring the communists (big government!). I would imagine similar tactics might be used by the fascists (also, lots o' government) and, indeed, Saddam's regime.
BTW, I think the second "Soviets" in his post should be "kidnappers" or it just seems like they are helping the kidnappers torture the kidnapped Soviet. Perhaps on the theory that if the Soviet has let himself be kidnapped, he must be a traitor. Which is in turn akin to how you can't be raped and live, because if you don't fight to the death, you actually wanted to have sex.