Originally posted by Fugee
Actually, I was the one who asked the original question based on the bitchy chick on The Bachelor who said she had no women friends and blamed it on the jealousy of other women.
Right. But, as always, the conversation raised by your question based on this woman's clearly exaggerated claim, moved on to reality. You stayed in Fugeeland.
Originally posted by Fugee
The problem with you is that you have a tendency to read what you think I am saying and not what I actually wrote.
No. The problem with me is that I know so many of your "gosh, gee willikers, god's honest questions" are really platforms for you to tell people your opinions and that said "question" is posed solely for that purpose. As I said, passive aggressive.
Originally posted by Fugee
BTW, sometimes I'm passive and sometimes I'm aggressive, but I'm definitely not passive aggressive.