Originally posted by Pretty Little Flower
Greeting and cheers fellow Lawtalkers internet-style lawyer chatting board denizens. As many of you know or have figured out, penske_account has been on a prolonged hiatus. I know this has caused some consternation among some of you, so I wanted to pass along the fact that I heard from him just today, via an electonic instant messaging communication format. I told him about the many penske-esque socks cluttering the board (not penske, penske_material, what have you), and he conveyed his great dismay. It is clear to both of us that these are merely socks of the evil ironweed, or perhaps socks of ironweed's evil sock, ironnutsedge. In any event, in case all this socking chicanery has been getting you down, he wanted to let you know that he misses you and is still here in spirit. To that end, I will relay a redacted excerpt of an electronic instant messaging communication from earlier today:
p_l_flower: I will pass on your words of good cheer to the Lawtalkers FB chatting board
penske_account: yes
penske_account: please do
penske_account: I love those kids
p_l_flower: Yes, morale is low there
penske_account: vista la playa
penske_account: you can tell them I said that
p_l_flower: I will
penske_account: perhaps that will help
penske_account: thanks
Good luck.
The Flower
Merci Monsieur Flower, merci indeed. Tell Penske that we miss him too! And pray for the day that he is retroactively de-banned and reinstated here. After all, you can't really ban anyone forever. The most you can do is block the IP address(es) that person uses and/or deactivate that person's account.
No matter, in light of Penske's continue love for us all, the faithful among us need to rise up and clamour for his return. I suggest a concerted effort to textmessage him on his blueberry.
Let's build back the old school army!