Originally posted by barely_legal
That's weird -- I was going to ask the same thing. I have the first two episodes saved on my tivo and I've been debating whether it's worth watching. I haven't gotten attached to any new shows this season yet. I can't get into Reaper and Life seems like something I should be enjoying but I'm just not. Torchwood is ok, but not as good as I expected. Are there any new shows that are worth a season's pass?
ETA: And obviously I've been watching Gossip Girl but as much as I love Kristen Bell's voiceovers and Serena's hair, I don't think I'm going to become addicted to it.
We missed the first episode of Pushing Daisies, but saw and really liked the second (the one with the crash test dummies). Since I liked it, you probably will not.
Other new shows worth watching are Mad Men on AMC and the Samantha thing with Christina Applegate on ABC. I want Kelly Bundy, indeed.