Originally posted by Did you just call me Coltrane?
Has anyone else had a lucid dream? When I was younger, I would occasionally be able to consciously determine that I was dreaming (mid-dream), and then sometimes control the dream. I just read the wiki entry (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucid_dream) on it and it doesn't seem that rare.
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to do it in quite awhile, but I recently became "lucid" in a dream, but wasn't able to control the events.
For a while, I used to dream that I was back in school, and had forgotten to study for a test, or forgot to drop a class, and exams were on that day. After I learned that dreams like that often mean I was stressed out and afraid that I would not be able to get everything done, I would become lucid in the dream. I would tell myself that I was dreaming, had graduated from the school in question, and had no worries. Not long after, I stopped having those dreams.