Live music review - WEENIE ROAST
This was the lineup at yesterday's KROQ Weenie Roast
5:00 The Killers
5:30 The Yeah Yeah Yeahs
6:05 Modest Mouse
6:40 Cypress Hill
7:20 The Hives
8:00 Velvet Revolver (GNR with Scott Weiland fronting)
8:45 Bad Religion
9:30 Beastie Boys
10:15 The Strokes
I missed the Killers and the first couple of YYY songs. Show was done in the "rotate the stage after the set so there's no downtime between acts" format, which is a must for a multi-band show. Anyways, here are some awards:
Band most dedicated to their cause: (tie) Cypress Hill (all things weed) and The Hives (letting the world know that the Hives are the greatest hotest coolest band ever).
Most fun to go out on the town with: The Yeah Yeah Yeah's Karen O. Close runner up for Cypress Hill. Bad Religion would be interesting too.
Probably the least fun to go out on the town with: The Beastie Boys. They'd spend the whole time talking about their kids.
Loudest band I've ever heard: Bad Religion.
Toughest Dilemma: Bobo of Cypress Hill had just lit up a big joint on stage, when Sen Dog brought out a huge bong. What to do? Take a hit from the bong, naturally.
Ummm, he's sober?: Scott Weiland came out in a leather-daddy outfit (including cop-style hat), and spun spun spun like a spinning hippie chick. Great voice, but weak material. Did not make me want to rush out and buy the VR album.
Toughest spot/Dumbest comment: After the Beastie Boys and a long day of music, people were filing out throughout the Strokes' set. Still, they started strong. But a few numbers in, Julian busts out with "You know, a lot of bands hate playing these radio station shows. We used to, but now we don't mind them so much."
Best banter: Howlin Pelle from the Hives. Brilliant shtick between every song. Best was probably: "Wow, isn't that impressive? That's pretty impressive, isn't it! We've only played four songs and already you're clapping and dancing for the Hives!" (despite the fact that the crowd was mostly sitting down and stunned, not sure what to make of these five guys rocking impossibly hard in their spotless white suits) or else maybe "Can I get a show of hands, how many of you think this is a pretty good show? That's pretty guut. I only have 22% of you left to impress. That means I can take a water break."
Inevitable: Ad Rock was left alone on stage to urge people to vote against GWB. He kept it short. Most of the crowd was on his side, but there was smattered booing.
Best singer: Greg Graffin, Bad Religion.
Best performances of the night: The Hives and Cypress Hill.
Worst performances of the night: Modest Mouse (I like their stuff, but they showed no energy on stage -- maybe it was too hot that early in the evening) and Velvet Revolver.
Best song of the night: Los Angeles is Burning, Bad Religion.