"They just think I'm a strange tiger who walks on two legs."
"We watch and observe. We talk to them, take walks with them, swim with them, meditate with them. Day by day, we learn about each other. But you must have patience and respect for Mother Nature. Because when an animal gives you its trust, you feel like you have been given the most beautiful gift in the world."
Poor inbred mutant tiger Montecore had to live with sayings like these, uttered by a duo of stripperglittered manpixies, uttered on a daily basis for every one of his tormented six years. Is it any wonder that he finally snapped? Roy has been quoted as saying he wants no harm to come to Montecore as a result of the attack. But can man who says "ff-fuff, ff-fuff" as his special friendship sound really be trusted? Absolutely not. It is time to tell Fishbacher & Horn and their hired goons to just STOP IT!
I am pleased to announce the formation of the Society To Offer Protection for Inbred Tigers! (STOP IT!). Our initial aim is to free Montecore, currently being held unjustly in the F&H cult's Las Vegas compound, and reintegrate him back into society, hopefully even among Tigers of color. But Montecore is only the beginning. STOP IT! hopes to free all of the felines currently being held unconstitutionally by the F&H cult.
I post this on the lawtalkers board because of STOP IT!'s 2 urgent needs - money (feel free to IM, PM, or email your credit card information to me) and top flight legal talent. STOP IT! is seeking dynamic, energetic, and committed attorneys willing to toss aside their careers for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to fight to establish new feline freedoms in what is sure to be high profile, cutting edge civil and animal rights litigation. All inquiries will be kept in fairly strict confidence. Sign up today and make the F&H cult STOP IT!
Fugitives from Mexican justice need not apply.