Originally posted by bold_n_brazen
Oh no. Now I'm going to start crying. And get all upset. And run away and hide.
You know what? Whether or not I have ever posted anything "creative" or "worth reading" has no bearing on the fact that the song parody in question sucked.
And, frankly, if you don't find me worth reading, then don't. Or put me on your fucking ignore list, for all I care.
1) That would have been more effective had you just said "Or put me on your ignore list, for all I care" without the "fucking". With "fucking" it reads to me like you are crying as you are speaking, which shows you do care. Which you probably do, bc who amongst us doesnt secrety crave TM's love and acceptance.
2) I know you have made me laugh on occasion. ALso, since he is always behind, and a huge Scroller, I suspect he has missed some of your finer posts.
3) With the exception of his parody, the only things I have read from him lately are tiresome debates with Bilmore. A solid postting year in 2001 does not make one a glass house in 2003. Just ask Flower who thinks he is leaving at the right time in his career, but really should have gone out with the Mojito.