Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
I would think the dealbreaker would be misuse of peripatetic, myself, but then I call Yankees Yankees all the time.
If it annoys you that much, it may be a deal breaker. Certainly bad accents are a deal breaker for me. I've only once dated a Yankee, but he hadn't lived in the N.E. for years and years, which had softened the grating edge.
First off, thank you for knowing that a Yankee is not a New Yorker but a New Englander. I dont think Dr. Peripatetic figured that out, but he certianly seems to know that Maryland is partially a southern state.
Second, there is no accent more grating than the Bahston accent. THere is this hot guy at my local southern red sox fan bar, who sounds like Ted Kennedy on acid. Its like, "hey baby, why dont you shut your mouth?". Could never date him. ever. Even if he threw out his black reeboks and acid washed jeans.
Third, peripatetic is like one of three ten cent words that were misused. He also ccalls himself a cognitive minority. I thought this meant that though he is white, he perceives himself to be a minority bc blacks are the majority in DC. That wasnt it.
Cutish doesnt enter into the equation til here. CUtish could ratchet up to cute easily on a good persoanlity. Or get knocked down to fugly with a series of bad puns. Its right there on the Mason-Dixon line.