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Old 10-28-2003, 11:42 AM   #11
sebastian_dangerfield's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Monty Capuletti's gazebo
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A Sad Day for Chef

Originally posted by purse junkie
No, you're just looking at real ones. There was a recent article in Vogue on custom-made bras with a Paris fitter decrying the loss of the natural breast shape, as Americans in particular have come to seem to prefer the Carmen Electra artificial bulbous-at-the-top bubble boobs.

Though small uninflated women can also create a similar effect with the Wonderbra squish-and-boost, I've noticed.
This American male still digs natural shaped tits. If Americans like implants so much, then why do so many plastic surgeons advertise that they do "natural looking enhancement"?

Most people think all implants are big like Electra's. This is because women who get conservative small implants are not noticeable and generally not strippers. I've found out a few chicks I know have implants, and I would have never suspected it until they told me.

Although I'm loathe to sound like some sort of Bush-supporter here (because I'm not), consider the source. The fucking French will take any shot they can at America, and love to consider themselves the final deciders of what is an isn't tasteful and traditional and classic. What a French bra-maker thinks is about as notable was what your dim cousin in Lousiana with his finger in his nose and a Pabst in his claw thinks.
All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
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