Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield
The enzyme test is a fucking unecessary insurance company pushed test to determine who's a high risk person. Some actuarial sitting ina cubicle made the determination that alcohol consumption is a good indicator of other high risk behaviors. They use impossible behavior baselines. Then the AMA puts out these ridiculous baselines like "If you have more than 15 drinks a week, you're in grave health danger." Ridiculous. Its amazing people live to be 80 these days, considering that these wonderful baselines did not exist when these old folks started swilling booze and smokin butts in the 50s. Hell, you couldn't eat eggs for a while because of some shit some asshole scientist said.
We get too much nancy-boy the-sky-is-falling infor about our health these days, and most of its contradictory and fucked up by the press. Life's terminal. Enjoy what you want within reason and take care of yourself as best you can and you'll live as long as your genes permit. Quality, not quantity. I don't want to see 80 because I know I'll be arthritic - its in my genes. Pass me the fucking bourbon.
We are so destined to hook up in our next life. I am totally shocked that we missed each other in this one. Cheers.