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Old 10-20-2003, 05:50 PM   #2821
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Boomtown pulled

Originally posted by notcasesensitive
I can't remember who the fan is here. Atticus maybe? Anyway it appears to be headed off of NBC...
ARGGHH. Who the fuck watches Third Watch anyone? It must be the same folks who watch JAG.
Fucking fuckers.
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Old 10-20-2003, 05:52 PM   #2822
Atticus Grinch
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If you've ever harbored a sneaking suspicion that civil law & motion is a circle jerk

Yahoo news story about a French judge under investigation for jerking off under his robes while a female lawyer pled her case.
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Old 10-20-2003, 05:53 PM   #2823
purse junkie
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Jamie Lee Curtis' Penis

Originally posted by tmdiva
I thought it was pretty well accepted that Jamie Lee Curtis has Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, or AIS. If she did in fact have AIS, she would be genetically male and (outwardly) phenotypically female, with a vagina but no uterus or ovaries (and no penis either). Women with androgen insensitivity syndrome are usually slender, with narrow hips and large breasts, well-defined facial features and clear, smooth skin.

I thought those were implants? But I always did think she looked like a man.
but you'll look sweet/upon the seat/of a bicycle built for two
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Old 10-20-2003, 05:59 PM   #2824
Not Bob
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Help Wanted

Originally posted by paigowprincess
I had an epiphany this weekend and need to move drom DC immediately. How does one lookf for a job without the assistance of one's law schools and their superduper way of having people come to you? I would like to live somewhere fun, where people walk around and dont alwayus drive. This could be a resort town or a big city. But fun is the key. Also, I woudl not like to work for anyone who yells. And I dont want to work many weekends if at all. If anyone knows of anything, please pm me!
Top Ten Reasons Why Paigow Should Move To Podunkville:

10. We walk a lot here -- the courthouse is just across Highway 64 from the strip shopping center, and we usually do happy hour at the Dew Drop Inn (it's on the other side of Help Me, Wanda's).

9. Big Ed will give you a discount on gas and Slurpees at his Fina station.

8. Podunkville Cablevision offers the Game Show Network.

7. We've started to have Mexicans working as contractors, so it will not be long for decent burritos to arrive here.

6. Piggly-Wiggly's legal department refuses to pay overtime for staff, so weekend work is a rarity at NB&A.

5. Big Edna (her real name is Michelle) once dated a guy from Greenwich, so she can talk WASPy after her third grasshopper.

4. Jerry Garcia immortalized the town in "Podunkville Red" (found on Dick's Picks 17).

3. Fewick's always had kind of a crush on you.

2. Housing is cheap, cheap, cheap -- why, you'd be able to afford a double-wide manufactured home right on the retention pond on a NB&A associate salary.

and the number one reason Why Paigow Should Move To Podunkville is .....

1. Not Bob is a Not Yeller.
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Old 10-20-2003, 06:12 PM   #2825
I am beyond a rank!
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1. As a Bills fan, should I keep rooting for the Bills to win? Or should I root for them to lose so as to increase the likelihood that Gregg "Grady Little" Williams gets fired sooner?

2. Randy Moss's play was unspeakably cool AND smart. Why do so many backs and receivers allow themselves to be tackled deep in opponent's territory as time runs out? I know there's a chance of the bad guys picking it up and running it back the other way, but trailing teammates should be alert to that. This should be practiced.

3. Last week's Law & Order SVU had me seriously moved. I knew Alex was leaving the show and was surprised to see her at all this year. But wow. Wow.

4. Mike Mussina has found his true calling as the second coming of Dennis Lamp.

5. Can't wait for the News Radio DVD to come out so that I can delete the "Super Karate Monkey Death Car" and "Complaint Box"
episodes from my TiVo. Two of the three best sitcom episodes I've ever seen (along with "Mulva").

6. I bought three CDs while on my mini-moon. To my sincere surprise, I think I like them all equally well. The first two I listened to are Ludacris' Chicken & Beer, and Outkast's Speakerboxxx/Love Below. No surprise that they're both great. The third was bought on a hunch, and it's the new M.O.P. CD, and it's awesome. Nothing as epic as "Hoes in My Room," but brilliant nonetheless. By the way, can someone send around a memo that No Skits>Lame Skits?

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Old 10-20-2003, 06:16 PM   #2826
Berry Hunter
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Some things from the past= paging Not Bob

Originally posted by Did you just call me Coltrane?
Great point. I don't know if I can stomach an older woman...

Just say no to strap-ons. Problem solved.
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Old 10-20-2003, 06:18 PM   #2827
Berry Hunter
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Because I know you guys miss PLF

Originally posted by paigowprincess
since he retired. He is still alive and IMing (thus enforcing my fb coolness). I thought I would share a snippet from our most recent session. He did this in various gigantic fonts and brilliant colors that I cannoe emuilate.

p_l_flower: Um, like I totally knoew that was a joke, which should have been totally obvious from my response.
p_l_flower: THANKS FOR PLAYING!!!!
paigowprincess: bzzzzzzzzzzzt
paigowprincess: LOL!!!
p_l_flower: THANKS FOR PLAYING!!!!!

p_l_flower: THANKS FOR PLAYING!!!!!
paigowprincess: bzzzzzzzzzzzt
paigowprincess: LOL!!!
p_l_flower: THANKS FOR PLAYING!!!!!

EDITED to include the non banal PLF version while retaining the meta, point proving versoin.

EDITED Again to keep the meta and non banal versios separate.


Probably will be EDITED again bc I am a retard
If there is ever an award for boring post of the year, that was it.

I'd say thanks for playing, but it would make me TUIMMALB.
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Old 10-20-2003, 06:23 PM   #2828
Atticus Grinch
Hello, Dum-Dum.
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Mojo Nixon is David Johanssen aspiring to be Tom Waits, and that's a good thing.

O: Your cover of "Girlfriend In A Coma" was a nice way of taking a jab at Morrissey.

MN: That song lends itself to Mojoness very well. Morrissey is pathetic. He doesn't eat meat, he doesn't get laid, and he's crying all the time. He's like an 8-year-old kid whose dog gets run over every day at 4:30. He's kind of an easy target.
I think I'll vote for him for president or governor or something. Onion AV Club interview. Sometimes there is sex stuff in the banner ads; you've been warned.
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Old 10-20-2003, 06:27 PM   #2829
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If you've ever harbored a sneaking suspicion that civil law & motion is a circle jerk

Atty: "If it pleases the court, I will begin my summation."

Court: "Oh, it most certainly does."
I'm going to become rich and famous after I invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
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Old 10-20-2003, 06:37 PM   #2830
Aloha Mr. Learned Hand
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TV Viewing PSA

In case eagerly awaiting the latest Lisa Guerrero MNF gaffe gets old, just a reminder that "I Love the 80's Strikes Back" premieres tonight at 9 eastern/8 central on VH1...
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Old 10-20-2003, 06:44 PM   #2831
WacKtose Intolerant
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TV Viewing PSA

Originally posted by Aloha Mr. Learned Hand
In case eagerly awaiting the latest Lisa Guerrero......
No need to wait.....

Since I'm a righteous man, I don't eat ham;
I wish more people was alive like me

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Old 10-20-2003, 06:46 PM   #2832
Shape Shifter
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TV Viewing PSA

Originally posted by Penske_Account
No need to wait.....

I am disappointed to see her in the Cover 2. I would prefer a more aggressive formation.
"More than two decades later, it is hard to imagine the Revolutionary War coming out any other way."
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Old 10-20-2003, 06:47 PM   #2833
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TV Viewing PSA

Originally posted by Penske_Account
No need to wait.....
That's her?

Compared to that, now, she looks like she's been ridden hard and put away wet.
My enemies curse my name, but rave about my ass.
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Old 10-20-2003, 06:49 PM   #2834
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If you've ever harbored a sneaking suspicion that civil law & motion is a circle jerk

"One of the paper's reporters saw the judge "making unambiguous gestures after discretely lifting his judicial robe and opening his trousers," it said."

Has the discreet/discrete distinction gone the way of the insure/ensure distinction?
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Old 10-20-2003, 06:50 PM   #2835
Aloha Mr. Learned Hand
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TV Viewing PSA

Originally posted by Shape Shifter
I am disappointed to see her in the Cover 2. I would prefer a more aggressive formation.
I suppose you prefer the Bump and Run...
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