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Old 10-23-2003, 08:03 PM   #3676
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Originally posted by Shape Shifter
Looking here, I'm not quite sure what she is promoting.
she does encourage lawsuits . . . (it seems you have to go thru several of the scenes to get to the one where the cow says "What this guy is doing is BAAAD . . . Don't be SHEEPISH - charge this cad!"
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Old 10-23-2003, 08:03 PM   #3677
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Originally posted by str8outavannuys
But "Remote Control" did have one redeeming quality (well, three, but Jenny's breasteses go without saying):

"This topic is 'Dead or Canadian.'"
I believe Mr. Hand is correct about "The Year MTV Began to Suck Ass." I want to say 1992, maybe?

As far as "Remote Control" goes, however, that wasn't Jenny, but the vivacious redhead, Kari Wuhrer, now appearing regularly in several features on Skinemax.

As far as categories, my favorite was always this one:

"They hide in closets, they peep through windows, no, they're not perverts, they're -- Private Dicks."
Some people say I need anger management. I say fuck them.

Last edited by spookyfish; 10-24-2003 at 03:38 AM..
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Old 10-23-2003, 08:09 PM   #3678
Shape Shifter
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Originally posted by ltl/fb
she does encourage lawsuits . . . (it seems you have to go thru several of the scenes to get to the one where the cow says "What this guy is doing is BAAAD . . . Don't be SHEEPISH - charge this cad!"
Yeah, but they're only successful in the MOO. . .T Court. Too bad this thing was dismissed so early. I would've loved to read the depo transcripts.
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Old 10-23-2003, 08:11 PM   #3679
Gus Petch, Ass Nailer at Law
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Originally posted by Aloha Mr. Learned Hand
That would be "The Year They Began to Suck Ass"... Which really kicked off with "Remote Control", "Beavis", "Monkees" reruns and then went into high gear with "Real World", etc. Early 90's I believe...
I've have rarely watched the filth on MTV or its derivative stations but do you really expect something not to suck when the music the culture is premised on is absolute crap and the artists making it ain’t got no talent? When you suck how do you get attention? Do shocking scatological juvenile male humor crap. And lesbian kissing.

To me the whole MTV culture is boring with a capital BORING. If I want shocking sexuality I can see it in 3 dimensions at the local stripper bar and not to sound like some sort of rutting pig, but I am a tad more interested if I can be alone in a back room with a couple of naked chicks than I am watching a skanky whore-Madonna make out with a girl that is only slightly older than my step-daughter’s age. MTV has ruined the quality of music in America with its atonal beats and the whole enterprise is a rotten blight on the face of mankind. In fact I’d wager that my 5 year old shar-pei could write a song with more soul than what I have seen from a no talent hack like Justin Timberlake, a punk who wears Islamic type wool hats in the summer to identify with the downtrodden terrorists of the Al Qaeda, which just shows how he is lacking in any credibility.

These celebrities are so far removed from reality and it's all about the money and a quick piece of ass.

They'll be sorry one of these days….as the scriptures tell us, “And in the Last Days, perilous times shall come."

Anyhoo, where is the fringebenefit that my pal Say_Hello was PM'ing me about?
I'mo nail yo ass!
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Old 10-23-2003, 08:11 PM   #3680
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Originally posted by Shape Shifter
I would've loved to read the depo transcripts.
Can't you get that on PPV? Videotaped depos?
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Old 10-23-2003, 08:15 PM   #3681
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Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
What do you think about this tie?

(I dig it.)

Personally, I *heart* it.
Always game for a little hand-to-hand chainsaw combat.
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Old 10-23-2003, 08:22 PM   #3682
Shape Shifter
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Originally posted by Gus Petch, Ass Nailer at Law
They'll be sorry one of these days….as the scriptures tell us, “And in the Last Days, perilous times shall come."
Confidential to Gus: Lighten up a bit. We just threw that in to sound all spooky and stuff. We didn't really mean it.

Lesbian kisses are fine. You are correct about Timberlake and Madonna, however. Our purpose behind them will soon be revealed. Stay tuned (not necessarily to MTV).
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Old 10-23-2003, 08:31 PM   #3683
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Shower Power

OK, I'm not quite sure what this is, it appears to be a camera in a public shower. However, the people in the pictures appear to know that the camera is there - they are posing.
1 guy appears to be in almost all of the pictures. Edit to add, now that I've read it - this guy wanted to shower with 100 women and document it.

Disclaimer - it appears to be "work safe" as the only boobs I've seen (that weren't covered with soap), have been "fogged out."

That said, I make no guarantees since I only had time to view just a handful of the many pictures on this site, and as Peske would say YMMV. There may be interesting photos down the line that I haven't gotten to yet, but I actually have work today.

Here you go, if you care.
Ritchie Incognito is a shitbag.
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Old 10-23-2003, 08:37 PM   #3684
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Originally posted by bold_n_brazen
Personally, I *heart* it.
That is nice, and tasteful. Out on the West Coast, we prefer more color for our wardrobe. I'm partial to these:

I'm going to become rich and famous after I invent a device that allows you to stab people in the face over the internet.
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Old 10-23-2003, 08:42 PM   #3685
Shape Shifter
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Originally posted by NotFromHere
[shower project]
From the site:

"I work in the film industry and about a year and a half ago on the set of a film, the grip/electric guys were convinced I was pretending to be gay to "get" women. They would walk by me when I had my arm around a women and whisper things like, "We're on to you, Brian." Anyway, to taunt my taunters I thought I would shower with several of these women and take a picture of it. I thought about it and talked about it and finally obsession set in and I set a goal to shower with 100 women by the end of the year. (more on this later)"

I only looked at a couple of the pictures, but they raise quality vs. quantity issues. How did you happen to come across this site?
"More than two decades later, it is hard to imagine the Revolutionary War coming out any other way."
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Old 10-23-2003, 09:39 PM   #3686
Aloha Mr. Learned Hand
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Originally posted by str8outavannuys
But "Remote Control" did have one redeeming quality (well, three, but Jenny's breasteses go without saying):

"This topic is 'Dead or Canadian.'"
Sorry str8, you misunderstood me. I liked Remote Control, I just didn't like the fact that it was the first non-video show that kicked videos off of MTV. Give me Kari over Jenny any day, personally.

As for favorite categories, Dead or Canadian, Sing Along with Colin, Ranger Bob, Beat the Bishop and Celebrity Flesh were all good.
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Old 10-23-2003, 09:56 PM   #3687
Atticus Grinch
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Originally posted by spookyfish
I believe Mr. Hand is correct about "The Year MTV Began to Suck." I want to say 1992, maybe.
Not if you're talking about when "Remote Control" aired. That would be --- wait for it --- 1987. (Thanks, IMDB!) I think every game show should have Snack Time.

The all-time best game show formats are Match Game (Psychological Category) and Sale of the Century (Trivia/Strategy Category). For whatever reason, though, most game shows where you compete for These Valuable Prizes are dead in the water.* C.R.E.A.M., I guess.

*With the perennial exception of "The Price is Right," which suxass.
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Old 10-23-2003, 10:04 PM   #3688
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Originally posted by spookyfish
I believe Mr. Hand is correct about "The Year MTV Began to Suck." I want to say 1992, maybe.

As far as "Remote Control" goes, however, that wasn't Jenny, but the vivacious redhead, Kari Wuhrer, now appearing regularly in several features on Skinemax.

As far as categories, my favorite was always this one:

"They hide in closets, they peep through windows, no, they're not perverts, they're -- Private Dicks."
Oh shit, you're absolutely right. I should know better, having once been an extra on "Class of '96," starring Ms. Wuhrer, Jason Gedrick, and a bunch of other dorks.

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Old 10-23-2003, 10:10 PM   #3689
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Originally posted by Gus Petch, Ass Nailer at Law
I've have rarely watched the filth on MTV or its derivative stations but do you really expect something not to suck when the music the culture is premised on is absolute crap and the artists making it ain’t got no talent? When you suck how do you get attention? Do shocking scatological juvenile male humor crap. And lesbian kissing.

To me the whole MTV culture is boring with a capital BORING

[blah blah blah]

Anyhoo, where is the fringebenefit that my pal Say_Hello was PM'ing me about?
Hey Gus, guess what?

I'm an ass-nailer too.

And I just nailed your ass with my 500th post.

str(not really, but what the hell)8
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Old 10-23-2003, 10:37 PM   #3690
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Originally posted by str8outavannuys
Oh shit, you're absolutely right. I should know better, having once been an extra on "Class of '96," starring Ms. Wuhrer, Jason Gedrick, and a bunch of other dorks.

Yes, she's been a cutie since back in the dayz of back yard shows as grade schoolers.

I *heart* Kari.
Since I'm a righteous man, I don't eat ham;
I wish more people was alive like me

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