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Old 10-27-2003, 07:17 PM   #4171
WacKtose Intolerant
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A Sad Day for Chef

Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield

As to the spelling of Perier Jouet, fuck it. I'm a spelling tard today. The shit tastes good. A little better than Mums and Piper Hidenseek

Or Cris, when you be finding me in da club.
Since I'm a righteous man, I don't eat ham;
I wish more people was alive like me

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Old 10-27-2003, 07:17 PM   #4172
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A Sad Day for Chef

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
Yeah, they do. A bunch of porn stars and Skinemax chicks have them.
Cite please?
Since I'm a righteous man, I don't eat ham;
I wish more people was alive like me

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Old 10-27-2003, 07:18 PM   #4173
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Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
Fuck Outlook's inability to create a new window when you hit a link on an e-mail. Outlook will just pick a random open window and go to the page. It doesn't matter that the open page has important stuff on it that you can't just hit "back" and retrieve. It doesn't matter that the open page might be an IM (for those of us who have to use web based IM) or a form that you were working on for three fucking hours.

R(back to square one)T
This isn't Outlook's problem, but rather your web browser. If you are using Internet Explorer, go to "Internet Options" under the "Tools" menu (depending on version, there may be a slight variation here). A dialog box will pop up; click on the "Advanced" tab. This will bring up a checklist. In the middle of the "Browsing" part of the checklist should be a checkmark next to a lable "Reuse windows for launching shortcuts." On your computer this is probably currently checked. You want it unchecked.

Outlook should now spawn new browser windows whenever you click on a link in an e-mail.

If you are using Navigator, the process should be similar. If you are using Firebird, the process is more complicated, but PM me and I'll look it up at home (don't use either at work).

Edited to add that one can also pull up this dialog box by clicking on the "Internet Options" icon in the control panel - accessible through the "Settings" menu on your Start menu.

Last edited by baltassoc; 10-27-2003 at 07:23 PM..
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Old 10-27-2003, 07:20 PM   #4174
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A Sad Day for Chef

Originally posted by notcasesensitive
Wishful thinking I guess. A fucking ferry captain killed my childhood cat. Bastards.

Mmmmmm. Ferry captains.
Free Me!
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Old 10-27-2003, 07:21 PM   #4175
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A Sad Day for Chef

Originally posted by notcasesensitive
Wishful thinking I guess. A fucking ferry captain killed my childhood cat. Bastards.
I feel your pain and my heart is now compelled to turn its evil side to hating these ferry captains. Bastards and infidels, indeed!
Since I'm a righteous man, I don't eat ham;
I wish more people was alive like me

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Old 10-27-2003, 07:22 PM   #4176
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A Sad Day for Chef

Originally posted by Penske_Account
I've had 8 Red Bulls before and not posed nude or naked. The Red Bull excuse is Brown Bull.

A more interesting quote was:

"There was a time when I was like, 'OK, I'm over men. They're mean,'" she says. "For like six months, not a single thing happened. Not like they weren't drawn to me, but there wasn't a single real attraction. I'm like, 'What's happening? I know I'm not a lesbian.'

I think she meant to add, NTTAWWT.

Either which way, Gotta Love Britney!
No. You don't gotta love Britney.
When she said she was over men, she meant it Pensk.
Give up this obsession and figure out that she kissed Madonna for a reason and that she fake kissed Halle Berry for the same reason. She's not into men.

That's why she left Justin. He says she was cheatin' but he didn't say with whom.

Edited to add that I don't think I could hold 8 Red Bulls. What is she, a camel?

Edited by Slave to further add: This isn't even remotely amusing. Why do you bother?
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Old 10-27-2003, 07:31 PM   #4177
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A Sad Day for Chef

Cite please?
Google for Azlea. She has them
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Old 10-27-2003, 07:31 PM   #4178
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A Sad Day for Chef

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
Yeah, they do. A bunch of porn stars and Skinemax chicks have them.
Dude, you can't make a nipple bigger breast implant style. The tissue is either there or it isn't. Where do you put the implant?

S(I just looked for "nipple implant" on google and got nothing but stupid pseudo-porn sites... )D
All is for the best in the best of all possible worlds.
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Old 10-27-2003, 07:32 PM   #4179
Bil Mo'
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Bilmore! Take me, please!

Look at this board today. Anttwat, NFH, Penske, Montecore. A who's who of dull, overplayed socks.

It's worse than the non-existant PB. Doesn't anyone have anything entertaining or interesting to say?

Bilmore, please don't leave me here! Let me come, too!
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Old 10-27-2003, 07:35 PM   #4180
Atticus Grinch
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A VC's Hall of Shame

Bessemer Venture Partners has been around since 1911. This has given them a lot of time to rethink all of the investment decisions they didn't have the balls to make. For example, the guy who recommended against Gateway because "there was no real future in transportable computers" or who thought EBay was a "no-brainer pass."

The Anti-Portfolio.
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Old 10-27-2003, 07:37 PM   #4181
WacKtose Intolerant
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A Sad Day for Chef

Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
Google for Azlea. She has them
Oh yes. Gotta love the Azlea.
Since I'm a righteous man, I don't eat ham;
I wish more people was alive like me

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Old 10-27-2003, 07:39 PM   #4182
Bil Mo'
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A VC's Hall of Shame

Originally posted by Atticus Grinch
Bessemer Venture Partners has been around since 1911. This has given them a lot of time to rethink all of the investment decisions they didn't have the balls to make. For example, the guy who recommended against Gateway because "there was no real future in transportable computers" or who thought EBay was a "no-brainer pass."

The Anti-Portfolio.
Thank you, Mr. Grinch!
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Old 10-27-2003, 07:40 PM   #4183
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Bilmore! Take me, please!

Originally posted by Bil Mo'
Look at this board today. Anttwat, NFH, Penske, Montecore. A who's who of dull, overplayed socks.

It's worse than the non-existant PB. Doesn't anyone have anything entertaining or interesting to say?

Bilmore, please don't leave me here! Let me come, too!
What? You calling me a sock?
What are you trying to get all pliffy or something?
Ritchie Incognito is a shitbag.
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Old 10-27-2003, 07:42 PM   #4184
Bil Mo'
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Bilmore! Take me, please!

Originally posted by NotFromHere
What? You calling me a sock?
What are you trying to get all pliffy or something?
Go away.
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Old 10-27-2003, 07:42 PM   #4185
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Other football news

Originally posted by NotFromHere
But isn't it hotter than hell in Phoenix still?

Among the NFL players named were current Raiders linebacker Bill Romanowski, center Barret Robbins, defensive tackle Dana Stubblefield, running back Tyrone Wheatley, defensive tackle Chris Cooper, fullback Chris Hetherington and former defensive end Josh Taves.
Bitch please. I have followed the career of my contemporary, Chris Hetherington, with some interest, as I once received a threat from some of his friends after asserting in certain Yale media that he had an unfair advantage over other Ivy League players by virtue of him being 24 during his junior year, or something like that. It's well known around New Haven that his dad pulled strings with Carm Cozza to ensure that he was given every break to become the QB, and other very talented QBs his year were not given any snaps in practice and quit the team as freshmen. How he has carved out a career as a FB and special teams player is truly remarkable - Mr. Hetherington is well connected.
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