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Old 10-31-2003, 02:29 PM   #5416
Genius Known As ABBAKiss
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Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
FYI - when I become Pope, I pledge to put vigilante Catholic school girls in every town.
What happened to t.A.T.u.?
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:30 PM   #5417
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Anyone know the name of this short story?

Originally posted by dealtoy
Does anyone know the name of the following famous short story.
According to googled sources, you're apparently thinking of O. Henry’s “A Retrieved Reformation” .

I'll be standing by for the flames which will inevitably follow this post.

Your humble servant-slash-flamebait,


Edited to add this link if you want the rest of the story

Last edited by Dave; 10-31-2003 at 02:33 PM..
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:31 PM   #5418
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Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
FYI - when I become Pope, I pledge to put vigilante Catholic school girls in every town.
Every man's fantasy.
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:35 PM   #5419
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What happened to t.A.T.u.?
They made the fatal Milli Vanilli mistake of trying to actually sing on live TV.

And the one got fat.
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:35 PM   #5420
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Terrorizing the Kiddies

Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall
Edited to add that I disagree with mmmmm. It was almost entirely the same, but the history of the girl was different, how they went about uncovering her history was different and the guy's character seemed markedly different (although it must not be that different because I can't pull up why). But you're right. It was really just a hollywood remake of a lower budget movie. They fixed some things and made it better visually. But they shouldn't be too proud of themselves.

I want to see the others in the Japanese series, though.
The others get progresively weaker as they go on, unfortunately. Some good freaky moments in the beginning of Ringu 2, and I actually jumped out of my seat at one point, but at the end, you are just sitting there going "um... Okay...."

While it was just a remake, and a truer one than many, it certainly wasn't of the "if you see one you've essentially seen them both" variety.

The ex-husband was a somewhat, but not entirely, different character. The Japanese ex-husband was a brilliant science (math?) professor at the local univ - the dreamy romantic sort that makes all of his female students swoon. (Note the actor's hair and goatee - very outrageous, swoopy dramatic romantic hair, by Japanese standards. It reminded me of the press coverage of Koizumi's hair when he got elected - there was a fair amount of ribbing that he got elected because women fell in love with his romantic hair. Same hairdo.) The US ex was dreamboaty, but he was just some video editor - so his role in sleuthing stuff out was removed entirely from the scientific/abstract/nature of the universe tone it had in the original. In both cases, you can't imagine why the reporter dumped him, other than she's neurotic.

Much as I love Brian Cox, the character of the Saduko's/Samara's (adoptive?) father was completely new. (It was definitely not a recasting of the old innkeeper.) The idea that the girl was likely adopted was completely new. The idea that she inherited an, essentially, spiritual but also genetic taint from the mother was removed.

I guess the biggest difference was the acceptance in the Japanese version of anything supernatural, with no indication whatsoever that that accpetance was a stretch or might conflict with science. In US ghost stories, your hard-headed hero/ine must be forcibly convinced of supernatural shenanigans - because s/he's proxy for the hard headed audience, which demands proof. In the Japanese one, everyone from the school kids to the reporters to the scientists just immediately accept "ah, we have paranormal phenomenon, of course!" If something isn't obviously scientifically explainable, then, clearly, you have ghosts. It's a little weird. But then, Ringu's Saduko reminded me more than a little of Akira, so I think there is just a major cultural element there that I don't get.
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:36 PM   #5421
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Anyone know the name of this short story?

Originally posted by Dave
According to googled sources, you're apparently thinking of O. Henry’s “A Retrieved Reformation” .

I'll be standing by for the flames which will inevitably follow this post.

Your humble servant-slash-flamebait,


Edited to add this link if you want the rest of the story
Why would there be flames? Paranoid much?

Or are you anticipating that someone will be in the mood for a little friday flamewar? Damn canadian.
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:36 PM   #5422
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Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
FYI - when I become Pope, I pledge to put vigilante Catholic school girls in every town.
This is good, especially since it already seems to be a running theme in porno flicks. Except for the vigilante part, that is.

Good times.
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:37 PM   #5423
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Want to hear something scary?

Originally posted by leagleaze
[story about sexual predator taking an ass kicking]
When I was 10-11 years old, I used to take acrobatics at this place that was a short walk from my grade school and maybe a 10 minute walk from my apartment. I and most of my friends were pretty self sufficient at this age and we all walked to and from school on our own. So, it was no big deal making the trip to the after school program which lasted til like 7:00 or so and then home from there twice a week. Back then, Manhattan was made up of actual neighborhoods and it felt safer within your neighborhood because you actually knew and interacted with your neighbors. I digress.

Anyway, one night after we were done with acrobatics, we all left and chatted a bit outside before dispersing for home. Before going on my way, I noticed a tall guy sitting across the street on a stoop, staring at us. He had really big, poofy white hair and was smiling in the creepiest way. But, even then, I knew New York has weirdos, so whatever.

So I start walking home. He gets up and starts walking the same direction as me. I'm across the street on the uptown side, so it's not like he's following me...yet.

I get to the corner, cross to the downtown side and then walk west. He keeps walking west. I decide to go downtown a block instead of continuing to go west because I don't want him behind me, since every time I turn around he has a weird smile on his face and is looking dead at me. He walks dowtown a block too and he's like 40 feet behind me.

So I walk west on a long avenue block. He does the same. I turn downtown on the avenue on which I live. He turns too. I'm getting scared. His smile is getting bigger.

So, it's pretty clear he's following me. But I had to make sure. I reached an intersection, crossed the street going downtown, then west, then uptown, then east, then downtown again. He crossed the street going downtown, then west, then uptown, then east, then downtown again. Now I'm petrified. This seems to excite him.

My building was on, let's say 30th street and 8th -- not right on 8th, the entrance is on 30th, a little west of 8th. At 31st street and 8th, I sped up a bit. But he did too. I took out my keys in the middle of the block so that he couldn't see. Then, when I turned the corner and was out of his view for a bit, I booked (love that word) to my lobby door, had my key ready, went inside and ducked down. Then I peeked around the door through the window on the side.

He turned the corner, paused. Looked around and then got really pissed. He stormed up and down the block and went down into the train station (I guess thinking that's where I went) in pursuit of me. Then he came up again and I had enough and ran upstairs.

I told my mom, she called the cops and they came over and questioned me for over an hour. Seems this guy fit the description of a molester/murderer who was wanted in connection with the abduction and murder of like 6 other little boys.

Now THAT is some scary shit. And I'll never forget that sick fuck's face. Ever.

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Old 10-31-2003, 02:38 PM   #5424
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Poll: Best tagline for a movie ever

Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
I noticed today that the Directors Cut of Alien is opening today in a multiplex near you. I love this movie. Scared the crap out of me when I was probably way too young to see it, and it still can put me on the edge of my seat. I think what I liked the most about it was that everyone seemed normal in a really abnormal situation. In all the "space" movies and tv shows I'd seen before, the people seemed somehow removed from everyday people. In Alien, I felt like I could totally relate to these people (or would, when I was older than 12 or however young I was when I first saw it). That made the movie that much scarier.

On top of all of that, I think it has one of the best tag lines ever: In space, no one can hear you scream.

So what's your favorite tagline for a movie?
In the movie biz, the "In Space, noone can hear you scream" is called a "logline."

And to respond to what someone was talking about yesterday, Nicole Kidman is "attached" to star in Bewitched. (I don't know if that's true or not, but if she is, the word is 'attached').

Jargon-ista out.

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Old 10-31-2003, 02:38 PM   #5425
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trick or treat

OK, now here's a question, how do you get into a movie when the damn doorbell keeps ringing?

I tried to watch KISS goes to the amusement park (whatever the name of that movie is) and the damn doorbell keeps ringing. How's a person supposed to enjoy a bottle of wine and a "good" movie.

Is Rocky Horror on tonight or is that so over?
Ritchie Incognito is a shitbag.
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:39 PM   #5426
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Originally posted by SlaveNoMore
They made the fatal Milli Vanilli mistake of trying to actually sing on live TV.

And the one got fat.
Which one? The blonde with curly hair?
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:40 PM   #5427
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Ghosts and Other Scary Things

Originally posted by lookingformarket
I'd be weirded out if Less was my best friend.
Like Beetlejuice, I have been summoned by the invocation of my name three times, but am at a loss for what to say. So, I give you this photo of the next generation of gay flesh eaters -
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:41 PM   #5428
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Originally posted by Dave
This is good, especially since it already seems to be a running theme in porno flicks. Except for the vigilante part, that is.

Good times.
Now that's humor.
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:41 PM   #5429
Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
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Want to hear something scary?

Originally posted by ThurgreedMarshall

[long spooky story about some freaky shit]

1) Did they get him?

2) WTF are acrobatics? Gymnastics or cirque du soleil stuff.
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Old 10-31-2003, 02:42 PM   #5430
Mmmm, Burger (C.J.)
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trick or treat

Originally posted by NotFromHere
OK, now here's a question, how do you get into a movie when the damn doorbell keeps ringing?
Turn out all the lights and/or disconnect the doorbell.

[ETA:] My (recluse) mom hasn't had a trick-or-treater in 10 years taking that approach.

Last edited by Mmmm, Burger (C.J.); 10-31-2003 at 02:49 PM..
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