Originally posted by barely_legal
There is a great zinc oxide lotion that comes in a silver tube -- I think it's by Skinceuticals (sp?). It's SPF 20, non-greasy, doesn't smell at all, can be worn under make-up, and I wear it every day in the summer. It's kind of pricey -- around $36 for a tube -- but one tube will last all summer if you just use it on your face and neck. I got mine at Blue Mercury, I'm not sure if you have those in your neck of the woods, but I'm sure some place down there must carry it.
This of course is the stuff I mentioned that burns my skin. I can actually smell a chemical reaction going on. I think my skin must be more sensitive than barely's so take that for what its worth. To note, my skin is so sensitive that I cant have my eyebrows waxed as the top layer of skin ends up coming off and I have huge burn marks around that area.