Originally posted by robustpuppy
I don't think she was being obtuse. It seemed like a passive-aggressive way of informing Str8 that if she couldn't bring the baby, she couldn't come at all, and she would just hate to miss it, all the more so in light of how little trouble the infant would be and how considerate the cousin would be.
Of course, she should just have said so, rather than write an email that forces Str8 to play the ogre.
Edited to add: Str8, I think it would be best for you to hire a babysitter for the reception, you will save yourself a lot of heartache and finger-wagging about proper etiquette, etc.
Since so many people hire sitters for receptions these days, I don't think she was being necessarily passive-agressive or rude. She probably just misread it. I have to endorse the separate room, sitter deal. I attended a wedding where I had no idea that there were children in attendance. They were neither seen nor heard.