Originally posted by MisterEbola
I'm not seeing the allure of this. There are hundreds of restaurants around to eat in - many of them cheap.
With institutionalized food services these days (Sysco, Marriott (or whatever it is these days)), you're food is going to be consistently mediocre unless you want to spend big $$$ for higher level food prep.
Most dining halls and fraternities - or at least the classic notion of them - arose because in the towns where the colleges and universities were located, there was basically nothing else around to support the kids with. College towns serving schools like Dartmouth, Washington & Lee, Sewanee, and others simply didn't the restaurants/boarding houses to serve 1500 - 3000 kiddies on a daily basis. So, the fraternities and clubs stepped in.
While I'm not making a million a year, yet, the notion of returning to the days of daily soft-serve, make your own waffles, and cereal that comes out of 5 gallon dispensers does turn my stomach a little.
When I used to work at the WTC, there was a dining hall type institution run by Marriott. They made unbelievalbe omelettes. So, if this idea would work, why hasnt Marriott glommed onto it yet? Also, most of us associate dining hall food with cereal three times a day and packing on pounds that didnt come off til we moved off campus and switched from beer to coke and acid.
And ,for the samme amount of money, you could get a tasty burrito.
I think the draw is the fact that it would be all youngsters (and the 32 yo men who prey upon them) and the seating style of those places welcomes meeting new people which is hard to do once you are out of college and not in a world of people your own age and economic status.
And I would name it "Dining Hall".