Originally posted by sebastian_dangerfield I hate to pry, but how the hell does one at your ostensibly young age manage to almost have a stroke?
I often wonder whether it spossible at our age to have a stroke or a silent heart attack of some kind and not known it. I was once driving along on the road the morning after a night of partying and had to pull over because my heart started beating uncontrollably fast and heavy and I had to get out of the car and catch my breath. After I ate something, it seemed to subside. I've had a stress test since then and they said my heart is in fantastic shape, so that leads me to question what caused me to have that uncontrolled heart freakout.
Sebby, I wouldn't have mentioned the OM's problem if I had a problem talking about it. The doctor told him something kinda scary, confirmed by what other docs have told my friends, the damage you do to your heart with high blood pressure is cummulative. She put him on diuretics to get his high blood pressure under control. His blood pressure is at the low-end of high, but still high. With any high blood pressure, it is important to manage it early.
As for how such a thing happens . . . it just does. She told him that the cause of him nearly losing consciousness and losing feeling in his arms and legs was inexplicable. (She's an excellent doctor, a real scholar, so her inexplicable doesn't mean get out of here, your hmo won't pay.)
Like your experience, his episode passed, with no damage, and he is fine.
For those late to the party: the OM is in his early 30s, he's a vegetarian and a cyclist. He smokes, he drinks, and he eats fatty foods. None of that caused his episode. It just happened.
Even(and scared the hell out of me)Odds