AI Fashion
Sorry if this has been discussed before, but what the hell is wrong with Ryan Seacrest and his stylist? He's looking like a strung-out jaundiced has-been "Where are they now?" candidate. Some hair colorist and stylist must be on drugs or have a sick sense of humor to let him appear like that - his hair looks like he's been acting as an embedded journalist in sandstorms, and his skin is sallow and so dry you'd think matte makeup was back.
And his outfits? Good gawd, that Phillip Something-or-other (the guy with the beret and pencil-thin mustache) must be working for AI. What is up with the gross dark grey (which make his skin look even worse) t-shirts, that look like he is about to go play softball or to the grocery store, covered up with an ill-fitting jacket? Is he truly strung out on drugs and getting bloated so they need to cover up his weight gain since last season?
C(and that denim suit was horrific)deuced