Originally posted by str8outavannuys
Last Comic Standing: I'm told by my fiancee that Dat Phan ripped off big portions of his act from Margaret Cho. If that's true, I don't have much respect for him. Very very sad to see Dave Mordall go. I thought he did a great set and was spectacularly funny.
Big Brother 4: Scott and Amanda, we hardly knew ye. Very hard to guess what Jee's going to do as head of household. Scott certainly rates pretty high up in the pantehon of nutty reality show contestants. He brings to mind that wacky Peter guy who was the first one out of one of the Survivors (it saddens me that I can't remember if it was Africa or Marquesas or what). Apparently chair throwing gets a guy tossed. The awful live update feed boards are all abuzz with Dave and Amanda getting it on, like it's something unprecedented. Well apparently they never watch the Euro Big Brothers, or don't remember Will and Shannon from BB2. I wonder if this is going to be a tradition: the soon to be evicted houseguest gets to bang the person of their choice on their final night in the house? That'd be cool.
Osbournes: Another feud with the neighbors? I'd say that this show has jumped the shark, if that phrase wasn't so April 24th, 2001 at about 2:15 p.m.
As for Last Comic, does your fiancee mean that Dat plagiared Cho's act, or is just doing asian immigrant mother humor? bc I am not totally sure the latter is a ripoff. this would mean that only the first asian standup who does the immigrant mother thing is original. how many jewish comics do their grandparents in Palm Beach? How many gay guys do the flamboyant thing? CLarify "rip off" please. I thouht neither Dat nor Dave were at their best on Tuesdsay night, or maybe its bc I heard Dat's act too many times. I just didnt think Dave was that good last night, though I liked his electiricy outage bit.
As for BB4, I was totally hoping Jee would win. The only hope that this show might become interesting. I missed most of the show due to socializing and a lack of Tivo (but came in right as Lisa was talking about her nude posing for a "classy" magazine where nothing was actually exposed. Classy to be sure. Lisa, I had such high hopes for you.)* Jee seems bright and slightly evil and bitter. He can put up two of the original 8- probably fruity little Nathan who put him up and who is two timing everyone. then someone as a pawn- I dont know this show well enough to figure it out yet.
Osbournes jumped shark when I started seeing Kelly Osbourne places other than on the Osbournes. Talk about deluded hopes of a career based on riding your parents coatails. I think that Vanessa from AI proves that Kelly has no hope. People arent into short fat chicks with bad short haircuts who color their hair pink to be different.
***Paging LP. Can you finally agree that classy is just the cheeziest word around and that i aint a snob for pointing this out. Did you see the classy men's mag of which she spoke? Could any other word have been substituted there?
PPS What happened with Eric and Lisa? Are they still together?