Originally posted by paigowprincess
I think I learned from a Friends episode that when asking someone out you cant be half assed and say "what is your schedule like" or "I have two extra tickets to the Knicks game". You have to say., " Would you like to have dinner with me Saturday night?".
I agree on this one 100%. You must issue definite invitations, or they don't count (or, they are the equivalent of "let's have lunch": unspecific invitations can be presumed to show friendliness but no actual desire to ever see the invitee again). That means specifying a day, starting time and activity. It gives her something concrete to reject.
If she doesn't accept 3 times (unless she offers a definite counter-invitation, e.g.: "I can't do it saturday, could we try dinner Sunday instead?"), stop asking, it's called harassment. If she (and you) have screwed up the process of asking others on dates so badly that neither of you is sure whether you have been rejected or not, if she wants to go out with you she needs to do the asking.
I'd suggest "Saturday dinner at 7," and if she doesn't accept that one, say "well, you seem to be awfully busy. Why don't you let me know when you have some time if you would like to get together" and don't ask her again until she does. If she's rules-ey, she won't (though she could drop a broad "hmm, a whole weekend with nothing to do" hint and still let you ask her), but if she is you don't want to date her anyway.