Originally posted by ltl/fb
Is "white trash" more or less polite than "cracker"? Or do they have crackers in the north? What other terms are there? I would love to learn some new denigrating terms for groups of people I wish to distance myself from because those groups include relatives.
In terms of politeness, you're probably not going to get a "Thanks!" when you call someone either white trash or a cracker. But "white trash" is generally used by whites to describe other whites, and "cracker" is generally used by persons of color as a derogatory racial term for whites. I've heard "cracker" in the north, though infrequently, and "white trash" tends to have a rural bent along the lines of "trailer trash." Either one will get you bodily damaged by the folks so named.
If you're going to denigrate your own family, I suggest insults tailored to them personally.