Originally posted by Replaced_Texan
Well, it's not entirely clear whether or not they're conscious, but there's definitely some movement and shaking and physical reactions, long after the head has been severed. This is why so many people every year have to go to the ER after playing around with the heads of snakes after they've been just cut off. The snake will still bite a few minutes afterward. If you hack at a snake with a garden hoe, it does this weird dance thing once you've broken it's back, and then it dies.
Okay, but does the body of the decapitated person move too? Thrash? Ambulate? Run around like a chicken with its head cut off? I would assume that it does, for a few moments at least. And that's gotta wig you out in an elevator, no?
My answer to the question -- head or body? -- is "depends on the body." If I'm gonna be traumatized, I at least want the option of getting some trim if the body is depose-able.
And to respond to the obvious, I imagine jaws can clench tight in rigor mortis or whatever. Plus, I mean, ewww.