Originally posted by Bad_Rich_Chic
Why does he find the American flag offensive?
He's not my father, so I won't answer the particular question. However, as a resident of a part of the country not traditionally associated with unbridled patriotism, I can say that there is often some
suspicion (NB: not offense) around one's motives in displaying an American flag anywhere other than a flagpole. In other words, in a world in which the flag is used by some to symbolize one set of American values that contradict another set of equally American values, I think it's legitimate to ask whether the flag is being used in the "big tent" sense or otherwise.
Symbols are like that --- while the one evoking the symbol insists it has only one meaning, it ain't necessarily so. I might carry a crucifix (good symbol) into Auchwitz to symbolize redemption, sorrow and suffering, but I have no control over how it might be taken. Ty's dad, among many others including myself, might be perfectly comfortable flying a flag on 7/4 or 9/11 or on flag day, but would wonder whether a smaller point was being made.