Originally posted by purse junkie
Yet another reason not to have rugrats. That, and the fact that my friends/family with kids seem to have completely given up their own lives for the dubious reward of passing on their genes and possibly bearing the next Einstein, when they could (1) better put their efforts towards being an Einstein themselves or (2) find that despite their best efforts, they've inadvertently raised the village idiot.
That, and having accidentally caught a bit of a TLC thing on childbirth, which left me convinced that no amount of drugs could make me able to handle the gore.
As one of the wise old men around the place (OK, I'm probably not as old as Bilmore and not as "wise" as half of you, but, still, as one of the reasonably wise and somewhat older men around the place), I can tell you that you've only experienced a small fraction of life until you've had kids. Until you truly start seeing the world through multiple (if overtired) eyes and feel the raging hormones inspired by every step of the process, your world is limited in ways you can never imagine.
And, both pregnancy and post-partum sex include their own rewards.
So broaden your horizons. Live a little. Breed.