Originally posted by robustpuppy
Edited to add, and on the other hand, the research cited by NotFromHere is now available to make women who've had c-sections feel bad. WTG science!
However iatrogenic C-sections may be, most American doctors perform them out of (excessive?) fear of risk, not because the mother desperately wanted one. They instead convince the mother, correctly or not, that unusual delivery risks weigh in favor of C-section. Only an incredibly neurotic mother would "feel bad" for "choosing" a C-section over a vaginal delivery. She can always convince herself that the baby would have died or been injured during a vaginal delivery. Doubt about the origin of allergies is a small price to pay for this.
One final pro-nursing point, because I can't let anything go: The Little Mean One was a relatively late breastfeeder, and em's got
amazing food curiosity because, unlike mass-produced formula, human breast milk has flavor undertones of what the mother has consumed. The other day em asked for some chana masala from mom's plate. Suck on that, Enfamil!