Originally posted by Greedy,Greedy,Greedy
No PAIGSotD award today, though SD certainly tried. Even you, Paigs, just couldn't muster up enough verbose meaningless banter to live up to expectations. Kind of a phone it in day, aye? Well, that kind of staleness comes with age, but I'm sure you'll still have some days. Who knows, maybe this will have to be a weekly thing instead. Looking forward to what the morning brings...
What is the "PAIGSotD award"? And how did I try for it yesterday? I hammered somebody on a legal point, which is pretty toolish of me, in the sense that only a tool argues shop matters outside shop. I've never seen Paigow do that, so I'm confused as to how I'd win an award with her name in it for doing so. Explain.
S(Could be that its the morning and my brain just isn't up to full speed quite yet)D