Originally posted by AngryMulletMan
[story about anal retentive] guy in a Tommy Bahama shirt, smothered in Aqua Velva. With squeaky shoes.
You appear to be living the transactional version of my life for the last several weeks. For months I have been running, without any assistance from those who nominally supervise me, a multiparty litigation with a potential nine figure downside for client. In the past few weeks GP has suddenly become interested in the case. Supervisory input over the last few weeks has taken the form of bitching about the use of a particular font in a stipulation, reminding me no fewer than 6 times in a single day that we are planning to videotape the deposition of plaintiff (despite my previously served notice of depo indicating same), and unilaterally scheduling a series of meetings that I can't miss for the week I had previously announced I would be taking a vacation.
more pie, indeed.