Originally posted by ABBAKiss
I am nearly positive my input was not requested, but I question why you feel the need to convey this message since you rarely interact with any of the parties.
I was more curious about how one went about giving someone the cut or pleasantly rubbing their noses in their past than in actually doing anything. DS always has such interesting ways to respond to rude people that I thought she might have interesting suggestions for this and, as expected, she did.
I doubt I will see either of the cheaters in the near future so it was mostly an academic question. But there are some people who have harmed me in the past and WRT whom I am still working on the forgive part, much less the forgetting (being a wingnut doesn't make one a saint). I know now what my options are in case I run into any of them.
Speaking of etiquette, I am so grateful for DS's recent contributions regarding condolence letters. My mom told me the father of one of my close high school friends died and I don't have to struggle with what to say in my note to her. In the past I've been so frozen over what to say that I haven't even sent a card.