Originally posted by evenodds
What part of "don't condone" is confusing. I refuse to overlook the cheating.
I am incredibly polite to the adultress married to my friend. I was even incredibly polite to my father's girlfriend when we would encounter each other at events to which he did not take my mother.
That said, I refuse to invite them as my guests or to be anything other than polite strangers. That is the form of censure I choose.
W/r/t/ the Fugee "forgive & forget & still cut" thing - There is a vast difference between spiritual forgiveness and social forgiveness. One can forgive a thief his sins without wanting to mix socially with people who make a practice of theft. I see no conflict here. "I love you in Christ but will not introduce you to my friends and family" is a perfectly sensible middle ground.
W/r/t "minding your own business," yes, it is always very rude to notice of other people's sexual practices (most usually evidenced in commentary on people being "entitled" to wear white at their weddings). If those people impose that knowledge upon you through confession or demonstration, or if, through scandal, court papers etc. it becomes public knowledge, then reacting to that knowledge is not rudely sticking one's nose in.