Originally posted by notcasesensitive
Angry mascot guy was the raving crazy one. I don't think that you missed anything if you turned it on at 9 (it was a 1 hour show). They don't explain how many will be axed each week, but my guess is that it will follow the Bachelor/Joe $$ format.
I'm not sure if I'll watch or not. The masks really creep me out. I was thinking Phantom of the Opera but then salon.com reminded me of the Eyes Wide Shut gala, so now I'm going with that.
n(was it just me or was the show really short on cute guys?)cs
I think the whole point is that the show
has to be short on cute guys, or else why would wearing a mask matter? I'm just thrilled that she managed to eliminate a couple of the cute guys (bar manager and personal trainer -- both annoying, but hot) and kept some of the uglies around.
Unfortunately the bald guy will be history soon thanks to the "dark room" idea. that's a stupid idea b/c she will be able to tell who is bald or who has huge hairy moles on their faces. And the fact that she can see them in swim suits really isn't fair either b/c even if she ends up with a guy with a not so hot face, she can at least make sure she picks someone with a good body. So it's not really all about personality after all. (Why am I trying to make a Fox reality show internally consistent?)
Anyway, I will watch. I am a Fox puppet.